

六年级英语作文:My Plan for the Coming Weekend_550字

  For the coming weekend, I will be very busy, and I will not have any free time

六年级英语作文:My weekend`s plans_250字

  Hello,everybody! I am so happy to tell you what I am going to do when weekend comes

六年级英语作文:Last weekend_400字

   Last weekend,I went shopping with my friends on Satuarday

六年级英语作文:My friends_250字

  I have many friend.Tony is my classmate.He is taller than me.Jenny is my good friend

六年级英语作文:my hobby_250字

  I like sports very much.But basketball is my favorite sport

六年级英语作文:Spring Festival_450字

  This morning, I got up at six o'clock. Then I brushed my teeth and washed my face. After that

六年级英语作文: Spring Festival _400字

  Spring Festival is the most important festival in China

六年级英语作文:My sister_300字

  My sister is Alice. She is very lovely. She has long hair .Her hobby is flying kites

六年级英语作文:My holiday_450字

  My holiday was very fun. Because I went to YunNan with my father , mother and my brother.....

六年级英语作文:If I Were a Bird_350字

  I like dreaming. Sometimes I will think if I were a bird, it would be so good. If I were a bird

六年级英语作文:have a nice trip_600字

  After green light, a little man walked out from a spaceship


  Most of us like potatoes because they are delicious

六年级英语作文:My school life_500字

  My school life is very coloful,I have many lovely classmates and teachers
六年级英语作文:我最喜欢的老师(My Favorite Teacher)

六年级英语作文:我最喜欢的老师(My Favorite Teacher)

六年级英语作文:我最喜欢的老师(My Favorite Teacher)  师者传道授业解惑也,你最喜欢的老师是哪一位呢
六年级英语作文:My school 我的学校

六年级英语作文:My school 我的学校

六年级英语作文:My school 我的学校  学校就好像是一个大集体, 也像一个小社会,我们在学校里面学习,在学校里面成长,下面为大家分享六年级英语作文:My school 我的学校