
I cheat six grades in 3055 efficient classroom

2022-04-24 15:40:59

Today, I am the leader of our six-third school mathematics class. After class, I really regret that I didn't use the recorder to record the wonderful debate in the classroom. The teacher also said: This confrontation debate is unable to preset before class. I have to cheer for the students' wonderful performance!

This morning, I want to lead everyone to deal with the "Fractional Method for Application Question." The members of each group in the show, doubt, reviewed, and then the team leader Q Xiaoyan with a bond group took a small blackboard, the topic shown in the small blackboard is: the store is a batch Apple, where Apple has 180 kg, more than nine, apple is more than the pears? She guides you that after analyzing this question, I am in my heart: this group is awesome! When I was communicating in the class, the teacher said that this guideline case is the most likely that this is this question. How can I praise them? Lin Lihao rushed to the podium, saying that this question is also a solution: the weight of the be pear can be used in 180 + 180 ÷, then there are individual students whisper: "This use subtraction rather than the addition, because the final problem is apple than the pear How many thousands of kg? "After I reported, Lin Lihao said:" I am a pear weight, and finally reduce the weight of pear with Apple's weight. "There is also a student to say that there is a student know This method is wrong, but I don't know why I am not right, I started to ask for students: "Agree with Qu Xiaoyan's practice" hunching dozens of students raised their hands, "agree with Lin Lihao's solution "Only Wuzhou Airlines, Wu Huanhuan, Zhang Wing and other five-six students, so I saved the eyes of the teacher, the teacher divided the whole class into two groups, discuss how you persuaded the other party, and agreed to Lin Lihao's solution five or six The classmates have been compiled into Group B, which is discussed together.

I found a student of the first group asked the teacher when the teacher patrol: "Teacher, take him as this, the answer is more than 1,000, then it is not right!" There is also a student saying: "These two calculations are not division The nature. "The teacher asked:" What is the nature of the division? "He didn't say. Another student wants to add but say that half of it seems to be wrong. The members of Group B have begun to draw line segments on the blackboard.

At the beginning of the debate, Lin Lihao in group B began to point out the line segment for everyone, there were many vulnerabilities in the process of explaining, and the students pointed out that he even chased the line segment.

In the end, when he came to the podium, he said herself: "Wrong, wrong" did not expect his two successors to continue to tell their ideas.

After the three B group members finished, Fu Xiaoxia stood up and refuted: the unit "1" unknown use division, with a few points corresponding to the quantity of some points, and your quantity and rate is not Correspondingly, that is, the weight of the apple's weight of 180 kg is not nine-second. Then, Yanyqing stood up and said: Their line segment is not right, Apple's weight 180 kg should be this paragraph, she said that the lecture is labeled with a red pen logo.

A group of members wins, a smile face like a blooming flowers, a happy happiness, a full classroom, and the classmates used an embarrassing laugh to express their own hearts. In fact, is it for them, how can the students make this error-free problem clearer?

And the nature of the division does not have a classmate. Under my tips, Zhao Peng Tao, usually, to twist down, and the two calculations are not using the nature of division, asking the division of the nature, he said A ÷ (B + C) = a ÷ b + a ÷ c , 哦! It also exposes a problem. At this time, the courses raised, the teacher said that we would be kind to the mistake and discuss this problem under the class.学习,学生们还在向厕所的道路上讨论,他们仍然是不公平的。

在“30 + 5 + 5”高效课堂模型中,教室由我们主导,它更成功。我们体验更多的成功。学会给我们一个快乐的精彩的事情,通过一段时间的独立学习,团体合作和展示交流,我们已经变得越来越深刻:知识只能学习从自己学习,力量也倾向于运动的机会。新的课程变革使我们学会了很多知识,让我们意识到很多真理。

我欺骗了“30 + 5 + 5”效率课程!



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