

2021-09-15 10:29:09 26



  My home is in a beautiful neighborhood. There are flowers and grass in the neighborhood. There are three people in my family. My home is very harmonious!

  Dad is always making fun of me. One night, my father said to me, "go and play with the dog!" Dad always opposed my playing with the dog, but why do I have to play with the dog now? I played with the dog for a while. Then, when he came back and didn't play with the dog, he said, "go and write an article! Just write what the puppy looks like." I said, "huh?" Dad laughed and said, "no, you're kidding!" I say: "hate! Hate!"

  I love my family, because my dad has a sense of humor!


  My home is made up of five members. I am a happy family with the hard-working "huang niu" mother, the smart father and the two lively little goldfish.

  Every member of my family loves sports, and every week our family goes to the skyspeed badminton hall on the road. When we take the ball and the racket ready to go, the two small goldfish in the fish tank, wriggling, small red still leap from the water, almost to a "leap", she seemed to say, if there is a specially designed for fish badminton hall, we want to play!

  We came to the arena, where my father and my mother were in the final, and I was able to score for them. Mom took the lead by 10 to 0. Then, somehow, dad pursued his mother and beat her 23 to 10.

  Next came my mother and me in the final. Although I studied badminton, some movement, but in the eyes of mom, do I still a piece of cake, I took out my special skill, pick up the ball and lob pass, but I still defeat with 5 than 23. It wasn't time. We left the arena without leaving. On our way home, we were still talking about the final!

  I love this sporty family. Because life is about exercise, and this family makes me feel happy and happy in a sweaty exercise.


  People in the world have different opinions about happiness, some people are happy for their health; Some people are happy for their marriage; Some people can even be happy with a deal. And my happiness is because I have a happy, happy, happy family.

  My father is a kind and generous man. He had curly black hair and regular features, always smiling. As long as my request is reasonable, he always takes out a "big super" and says, "take it, and remember not to spend it." Don't look at him. He always smiles and fires. It's like a monster. On one occasion, he didn't do well in the exam. He asked me to pay for my pocket money. But sometimes when I have reason, he can listen to me.

  My mother is a gentle, peaceful and beautiful mother. She never took a day off, and the years went by until the end of the year, from early to late. Sometimes she will take a mop, a bucket to clean the elevator and serve the people. She is also a very talkative person, speaking like a machine gun. To others, it was two words to me, as if I were her most faithful audience. Though her mother looked "fierce", she was always in the same place.

  I was a naughty boy who was always in trouble, and once played football and broke the window, but I admitted to the mistake and paid the price. When my parents knew it, it was impossible for me.

  My home is a triangle, I can control my father, father can be a mother, my mother can care for me. Because of this, in my opinion, my home is a happy, happy, happy home. I love my family.








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