
Twenty years later, hometown composition 400 words selection 2

2022-04-07 10:32:46 1

One: Twenty-year hometown

Li Jiayu

Now is 2039, I have already become a famous inventor. I drove the slide and returned to my hometown.

I have been thinking about it in flight: Is it still in the same way as before, the small river is turbid, the house is broken, the sky has been polluted by the smoke of the factory ... After a while, I will go to my hometown, I will go down At first glance, I saw the green trees around, and the flowers were put, like a beautiful large garden.

Finally, my skateboard stopped at the foot of the hometown.哇好漂亮。 Looking down at the clear look like a mirror, the fish will swim in the water. From the top floor, I saw the blue sky floating with blossoming cotton sugar, and the cute bird flew into the sky. It seems like a cloud to hide and seek!

When I arrived at the door, I saw the spacious gate suddenly opened. I heard a voice saying: "The owner welcomes home." When I entered the door, the white wall was actually dynamic. Now it is in the summer, I saw the wall. The lotus flower showing a pool, flies with the wind, there are frogs to sing for you, 蜓 is like a beautiful picture, let me exhaustion, I am refreshing!

The changes in hometown are really big, these incredible changes have made me shocked and proud!

2: 50 years later

Xie Yu

"Alone in a foreign land is a different guest, every time I have a good time." Every time I read this poem, I will remember the long-lasting hometown. This day after 20 years later, I took my own private aircraft and returned to my hometown.

I just flew to the sky of my hometown, I found that my hometown road was shaded on the trees, all flowers, like a beautiful flower bed. The road to the hometown is widened, and a car is flying on the road, and it is as fast as the train. The change in hometown is really big!

After a while, my plane landed on a vast lawn. Going down the plane, I feel very thirsty, suddenly drilled a robot on the lawn, give me a bottle of water, I feel very incredible, now technology has developed so high!

I will first come to the hometown of the hometown, Xiaohe originally turbid, now clear, there will be a few small fish. Look at the house, it has become a high-rise building from the original two-story bungalows. Going home, there is a robot inside, very politely: "The owner welcomes home." Then it gave me a cup of warm water.

When I came to my room, I saw the wall in spring, turned on the computer, I found that the computer was controlled in the four seasons to control the wallpaper.

The changes in hometown are really big, these changes make me feel very proud.

结尾:I am very grateful to everyone, "Twenty-year hometown composition 400 words selection 2", more exciting content waiting for everyone, welcome to continue to pay attention, grow together! 是






  亲爱的爸爸妈妈:  你们好!  亲爱的爸妈,你们都知道我是一个有话憋不住的小女孩,可你们知道么!很久以来,有一个想法一直藏在我的心底,我早就想找个机会和你们说,可我却一直没有这个勇气


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