
Help mother to wash vegetation

2022-04-09 22:36:59 4

One: Helping mother toilet

In the morning of Sunday, my mother rushed to work in the refrigerator.

I sat in the living room and looked at the cartoon. At the time, I didn't come back. I thought: my mother is so hard, I can help my mother to wash the vegetables! Mom is coming back to see definitely will be very happy.的。

Take a trick! I walked into the kitchen, bringing a mother's apron, I took a look at the mirror, I was really like a small chef! I took it out of the cutting board on the ground and put it next to the wash basin, and then from the refrigerator I took out a Chinese cabbage to put the Chinese cabbage on the cutting board. The left hand pressed it, and the right hand took a kitger. He carefully cut the vegetable root. My face immediately showed a smile. I thought: my mother knows me. Cutting a good dish will be very happy. Then, I took the dish with my left hand, and my right hand carefully took the rotten leaves. I thought: I must put the rotten leaves, or my father and mother will have a stomach. Finally, I used my hands to cut the mud, gently screwed the faucet, and the waterfall flowed into the basin. After the water was full, the cabbage was like a green dress, I was swimming, I closed the faucet, used Hand put the remaining mud in the cavity leaves, I remember that my mother said that at least three times, I will wash it twice as much as my mother, and the dish is finally clean.

Soon, my mother came back, she took a look at the clean dishes on the table, and still looked at the kitchen and smiled happily. I saw my mother smiled, my heart was like a honey, sweet.

2: Helping mother to wash vegetables

I remember that when I was five or six years old, once, my mother told me to wash the vegetables, and I was sure to wash! Wash me to give you snacks! " I am taking a snacks. The small bench is standing, standing on the bench to start selling the soil on the vegetables. But I found: This is too slow. I washed a short 20 minutes to wash it. Although it is clean, I want to eat snacks earlier, what should I do? My eyes turned at home to turn, suddenly, my gaze locked the washing machine. I am in a law: I am always very fast with washing machine with washing machine. Then I wash the vegetables? I don't say it right away. Those cherry tomatoes, eggplanes, and Shanghai green into the washing machine. Press the start button. I am sitting next to the washing machine, I want to think about: my mother must praise me so clean!

It's time to time. I am pleased to open the cover, but I am very shocked for the scene in front of my eyes: the round tomato is gone, there is only one layer of flat skin and some residual pulp; the eggplant is cut into scars; Shanghai Qing was Washed into a pickle; the whole washing machine, the miserable look of bright red tomato juice. I was hitting the wooden chicken, at this time, there was a sound: "Liu Wei, wash it? I have to stir-fry." At this time, I wake up, hurry up. The sound of my mother's anger came from outside the study: "Liu Wei, you gave me!" I scared all night, I didn't dare to go out!

My childhood has a lot of jokes, which is reluctant! Do you think funny?

Article 3: Helping mother toilet

I help my mother to do a lot, such as: washing vegetables, washing clothes, wipes the table ... Now I will tell you about me to give my mother for the first time:

One day, my mother told me to wash the vegetables. I heard, immediately said: "Wait, I will come right away!" After a minute, I quickly ran downstairs to help my mother. Mom told me: "First of all, let the vegetables leaves, and then wash the sand on the plate and stick to the soil on the vegetable roots. After washing, put it in that basin." I follow my mother to wash, this I didn't wash it, I was washed very well.

Washing, I suddenly found a whole body red, there was seven black spots on the back, I asked my mother: "What is this?" Mom said: "This is a seven-star ladybug, don'拿它“我说:”不,我必须学习它。 "After finishing, I went to take a bottle and put it in the bottle. After finishing, I went to use it again. After washing, my mother said to me: "Thank you, my scorpion grows!" I said: "Don谢谢你,这就是我应该做的。“完成后,我拿了一个七星级瓢虫的罐子。我在建筑物上。回到我的房间,我在线检查了信息。我知道七星瓢虫是一个蠕虫,有一个“衣服”和七星级瓢虫,但这不是披萨,但这不是披萨。这是一种害虫。












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