


1. Believe in Yourself As a high school student, it's common to feel overwhelmed and doubt your abilities. However, it's important to remember to beli

English — a bridge to the world

English is a language that serves as a bridge to the world. It is considered the lingua franca of the modern era, and it has become the universal lang


Traveling is a wonderful experience that many people enjoy. It allows you to explore different places, learn about new cultures, and create lasting me




With the fast pace of modern life, people are often busy with work and other responsibilities, and find it difficult to enjoy a balanced and fulfillin


Environmental protection has become an important topic in today's society. With increasing pollution levels and natural resource depletion, it is esse




The 2022 Asian Games, also known as the 19th Asian Games, will be held in Hangzhou, China from September 10th to September 25th, 2022. This highly ant


Dear Sarah, It's been a while since we last spoke, and I thought I'd take the time to catch up with you. How have you been? I hope you're doing well a

Think Positive Thoughts Every Day

It's important to think positive thoughts every day. When you focus on the good things in your life, it helps to improve your overall mood and outlook

苹果不再是最畅销手机 Iphone Is No Longer the Best Seller

据市场调查公司Counterpoint Research的数据显示,2020年第四季度,苹果公司的Iphone已经不再是全球最畅销的手机了。 华为公司的Mate 40和三星公司的Galaxy S20 FE在该季度销量上超过Iphone,成为最畅销的手机。 尽管如此,Iphone仍然是一款备受欢迎的高


Dropping out of school is a decision that can have a significant impact on a young person's life. Unfortunately, it is a reality that many students f

宇宙还存在另外的生命吗 Does Another Life Exists In the Universe

这是一个众所周知的问题,没有确凿的证据证明宇宙中是否存在其他的生命形式。然而,从科学角度来看,宇宙的无限性以及我们在观测到的宇宙范围内发现的几百亿颗星球,都为宣称存在其他生命形式留下了一定的可能性。 事实上,自地球诞生以来,宇宙就一直处于不断扩张的状态,这也说明了很多事情。首先,宇宙的无限性意味着

外国人对中国人的印象 Foreigners’ Impression On Chinese

外国人对中国人的印象因人而异,但总体上有一些共同点。 首先,外国人普遍认为中国人勤劳并且有强烈的家庭观念。中国人一般都能在工作和生活中付出更多的努力和耐心。他们也有着尊重长辈和照顾家庭的传统,这些传统也被外国人感受到。 其次,外国人也对中国的文化和历史有着浓厚的兴趣,中国的悠久文化和历史是中国吸


1. 环境保护Environmental protection is a critical issue in today's world. With the rapid development of technology and industry, the environment has been




With the rapid development of modern industry, there is an increasing phenomenon of fake and shoddy products in our daily life. These products, which

少年在联合国发表演讲 A Teenager Delivered a Speech in UN

在联合国发表演讲是每个人都梦寐以求的机会。而今天,我很荣幸能够站在这里,与大家分享我的想法和看法。 我相信,年轻人的声音同样具有影响力。我们是未来的希望,我们的想法和行动可以改变世界。因此,在全球范围内,我们需要支持和鼓励年轻人参与社会、参与政治。 然而,我也了解到,年轻人有时候面临着很多困扰。

世界卫生日 World Health Day



As high school students, we are often faced with the question of what we want to do in the future. Some of us have clear career goals and aspirations,