
Junior high school composition is not bad for 600 words left and right materials

2022-04-02 22:00:19 2

There are a lot of mistakes, it is a regret. I have a lot of misfortunes, I don't want to be. There are a lot of miss, it is accidental. We have to learn not bad, cherish everything around you. Below is the first content of the first Fan Wein network for you to organize the content of the junior high school composition, I hope to help you!

Junior high school composition is not bad for 600 words left and right material

At the foot, in the heart, the heart is turning, and the heart is often wide. Geometry in life, crossing the road is confusing, open your heart, choose the track, harvest the scenery in your heart.

After the South Tang, Li Yu, the hand of the woman, his hand, he was in the period of the light, the wild, the wild, and finally locked it on the West Building. It is such a generation of monarchs to tears, don't go to carved jade, and the full moon will be lost, but it wrote the article article. Even if the heart is like silk, no one understands his bitterness, he contributed to the history of literature, only the spring water of the river can interpret.

Li Wei chose a path to literary art, and harvested the abadre talent in that track. Choose a road that really belongs to your own, maybe you can harvest success.

I think that day, you stand in Wujiang, tears, don't be 虞 姬, many will ask you to stay on the green hills, reap into the wind, how can you live? What else to see Jiangdong? You resolutely chose from the river , Xiang Yu, you are a generation of Xiong, whether it is dead, but also vigorous.

You are not willing to stay for many years of arguments in Jiangdong, some people say that you don't have a long way, some people say that you have a good future, but I have to say that your choice is not wrong, you have verified a strong person. The fearless, it is true that you show "the birth of a man is doing a man, the death is also a ghost".

Xiang Yu chose a road belonging to himself and has made his brilliant life. Choose to really belong to your own road, try to go to the experiment, and insist on success.

Rendering in front of us, take a step, you must make a choice. Yuan Longping chose to bury his head to the experimental field, in order to study hybrid rice, since then is known as "the father of hybrid rice"; Hong Xuanhui chooses to support his own efforts to support himself, and the words will decline the social assistance, and finally touched China. I moved every Chinese child.

Some people say: "There is no more than people, there is no longer than feet. As long as we pay hard, our road will go longer and farther.

Every setback in the road does not mean there is no road in front, but reminds you to choose another one. Maybe it's the way to the way, you will harvest all the way; choose a Zhengzhen belong to your own road, step forward, maybe in the depths of the flower, you will harvest a beautiful.

The junior high school composition is not bad for 600 words left and right material.

Sunrise and sunset, flowers and brought together. The passion of youth is like a juvenile heart.


Get up early in the morning. Rising Sun Dongsheng, the new day begins, so a peaceful and quiet scene. It is a good day! After a night of washing, the mind is clear, there is only one thought in my mind: study hard, every day. The purpose is very simple, to go out of the mountains in the future, in order to live in the future, in order to live up to the parents and teachers, for me to grasp every day, every minute.

With a beautiful ideal, drive the hopes of the boat, raise the Bai Fan of the belief, I started a day.


Wake up in the hazy. Open your eyes, blurred, gradually, the sky is bright, and only the fire red and red sun hanging is empty, and the snow is dead. It is unpleasant thing that the mind can appear: the teacher's criticism, Cheng Mountain homework, small friction between friends. The bird seems to laugh at me in the 叽叽, the branches in the breeze are also midburst. Oh, everything is so "annoying"!

The ideal sailboats are suddenly lost in the center of the sea, and I have to go to the bottom.


When I touched it in the sea of ​​books in the sea, I finally woke up in a ringtone. In the sunset, the night is coming, and it is a peaceful and quiet scene. A beautiful day will go to an end! After an afternoon thinking, I have retrieved the direction of advancement: study hard, every day. Because I understand that ideal addiction and efforts are equal to success.

At this time, it seems that the success of the mountain is to move to my sail; the victory in the sea is calling in my ship. I have to work hard, I want to fly.


Torn the next place in the moon. Before the window, the sky is empty, is there anyone who is in the column? Is there anyone who is in the moonlight, I am indifferent.

In the face of the future, I should choose to give up. I really hope that Angel can ignite a bright light in the sea, guiding me forward.

The junior high school composition is not bad for 600 words left and right material three

It's just that a road is, it is important to miss the stumbling block.

When we cook for the first time, open the fire furnace and tremble with the shake of the fill, and listened to the oil of the flaps, listened to the sound of the sound, and poured into the meat. Are you afraid of oil to give up?

Then please pick up the shovel again, boldly stir, how can it be a chaotic flying in the oil? It doesn't matter, it is just a block stumbling block, we don't have a setback.

When we first perform, he gently said a word, gently sang a sound, gently playing a piano, or no can not send it, suddenly nervous, not confident, a never The fear is forced to go to the heart, and every side of the stage is staring at you. You don't glamber. Are you afraid of the audience to joke you?

Then please board the stage again, boldly show your talents, even if everyone is laughing in front of you? It doesn't matter, it is just stumbling, we are not bad.

When we first skating, put the roller skates close to the ankle, holding the armrest slowly straight legs, try to keep a good balance, loose hands and once again, careful movement, Slowly slide forward, are you afraid of falling to the ground?

Then please go upright again, big step forward, even if you fall, it's hard to stand up, it is difficult to? It doesn't matter, it is just a stumbling block, we don't have a setback.

When we face the turning point of life, we are sitting in the examination room, a blank, with a 0.5 black signed pen and 2b pencil written on the nine white paper, apply your three-year youth, even if you don't Any of the confesses that can only think of your hard work for three years. If you don't have something to give up? So, please sit Right, wipe your tears, bravely write the answer in your heart, even if you are zero Why don't you matter? It doesn't matter, it is just a stumbling feet, we don't miss frustration.

There are too many things that have to experience in a lifetime, there are a lot of stumbling blocks to be perfect. For the first time, if there is no setback, you never know the mother of your mother. The first performance did not have setbacks, you never know that you laugh is cheering for you. If you have no setbacks in the first time, you will never know how many people will help you.

Perhaps the first turning point is also the same, it is unable to fail, but at least we have a few years of hard work, if there is no setbacks, you never know that the process is so beautiful, but this is your future hard工作。动力! It is your young capital!

The wonderful life is not that you can bypass how much stumbling blocks, but what have you experienced more setbacks.







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