
Unit 2 Making Plans 学案

2021-10-11 04:49:11 24

unit 2 making plans

【模拟试题】(答题时间:30分钟)一. 用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. i’m going to        (live) in the united states.2. he        (buy) a red sports car last year.3. he wants to        (help) the old pe ople.4. he is going to         (play) football once a week.5 . they       ( have) a terribl e time in london last winter vacation.6. it’s eight o’clock now. the students are        (have) a physics class now.  二. 汉译英。1. 你长大后想做什么?    what are you going to be when you                 ?2. 大体来讲北京的气候非常干燥。               ,the climate in beijing is very dry.3. 警察想查明是谁的钱。the police wanted to                 who stole the money.4. 这里至少有五本关于英语语法的书。    there are                five books here about english grammar.5. 他攒了好几年钱,买了一辆汽车。    he               for years and bought a car.[来源:学科网] 三. 完形填空。a man is riding an old bike to the country. he stops by a    1    and takes out his fishing rod. he puts the line    2   and then sits on the bank of the river. soon the line is   3   . “it must be a big fish,” he thinks.unluckily he   4   up a box. the man is very    5  . but then he thinks, “oh, there must be gold in the     6    .  now i can buy a car a nd a big house. no,  i am going to buy two big houses. and i am going to have good   7      to eat every day.”he pulls the box out of the water and put it on the   8    .the n he    9    the box. what’s in it? is it something     10    ? no, there are two old shoes in it.[来源:学科网zxxk]1. a. river                  b. hill                     c. tree                   d. sea

2. a. boat                  b. water                 c. room                 d. jeep3. a. nice                  b. full                     c. light                  d. heavy[来源:学.科.网z.x.x.k]4. a. pulls                  b. takes                  c. carries               d. gets5. a. happy                b. unhappy              c. hungry               d. glad6. a bag                   b. box                    c. cup                   d. glass7. a. food                 b. fruit                    c. cakes                 d. vegetables8. a. table                 b. chair                  c. bed                   d. bank9. a. closes               b. opens                   c. lifts                   d. washes 10. a.  good               b. terrible                c. kind                  d. boring

[来源:学_科_网z_x_x_k]【试题答案】一. 1. live   2. bought   3. help    4. play   5. had     6. having二. 1. grow up    2. in general    3. find out    4. at least    5. saved up三. 1—5  abdab    6—10  badba

【模拟试题】(答题时间:40分钟)一. 框词填空。  mature   ring    language   keep fit    camel    in front of    skill    worry about1. boys get             at a large age than girls.2. he does poorly at school so his mother is               it.3. there is a big tree             the house and we feel really cool because of it.4. people use           to carry things to different places in the desert.5. to             , he often goes to the gym to work out.6. li ping can speak several foreign            besides english.7. do you know that there are five           on the flag of the olympics? 二. 汉译英。1. 你喝什么茶?                                         2. 要下雪了。3. 他要去美国学英语。                               4. 你怎么不去游泳呢?5. 在美国有百分之三十的女孩超重。          6. 这周末我忙。 三. 阅读。    jack and hob are going to high school now. jack wants to be an engineer. he is going to build roads, bridges and houses. hob is interested in maths and science, but he is going to study medicine. he wants to be a doctor.

kate is good at music. she wants to be an artist. she is going to sing and dance for people. joan wants to be a woman astronaut. she loves science. she says, “ i am going to expl ore space some day.”“what do you want to be, alice?” joan asks me, “oh, i want to be a teacher when i grow up. i am going to teach in the countryside.”each of us is doing his best at school. i am sure we wi ll do something good for our country.[来源:zxxk.com]1.               students are talking.a. two          b. three          c. four         d. five2. who wants to be an artist?a. joan       b. jack        c. kate       d. alice3. three students are interested in          .a. medicine       b. music       c. space        d. science4. what does an engineer do?a. he takes care of patients in a ho spital.b. he sings and dances for the people.c. he explores space.d. he builds bridges, roads and houses. 【试题答案】一. 1. mature    2. worried about    3. in front of        4. camels     5. keep fit         6. languages      7. rings二. 1. what kind of tea are you going to have?   2. it’s going to snow.   3.he is going to america to learn english.   4. why don’t you go swimming?   5. more than 30 percent of teenage girls in the usa are overweight.   6. i am going to be busy this weekend.三. dcdd

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思有以下几点: 一、 以学生实际情况为出发,认真备好每一堂课   备课是教师课前所作的准备工作。教学是一种有目的、有计划的活动,它既有明确的意义又有大致的范围


活动目标:    为了配合学校开展的爱国主义教育系列活动,进行热爱祖国勤奋学习主题班会。通过爱国主义教育,使学生真正树立起为振兴祖国,提高中华民族素质,奋发读书的远大理想,从而提高学习积极性




活动目标:1. 培养幼儿参加音乐活动的兴趣。2. 引导幼儿安静的倾听,能根据歌词内容配上相应的动作,增强节奏感。3. 学唱歌曲,加深对交通安全的认识。活动准备:录音机、磁带、交通标志、玩具汽车

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  钞,读音:[chāo]  部首: 钅  部外笔画: 4  总笔画: 9  五笔86: qitt  五笔98: qitt  仓颉: opfh  笔顺编号: 311152343  四角号码: 8972


  地理组 万思泉  各位领导,老师:  大家好!  今天我讲的课题是《北方地区和南方地区》.  首先,我对本节教材进行一下分析:  一