

2021-09-22 20:48:36 17



  Hello, Everybody! I am very glad to stand here to give you my introduction. I am from Liangbing Middle School. I am studying in Class 1,Grade 7. I love my hometown Liangbing because it’s a very beautiful town.

  I have many hobbies, such as reading books, listening to music, surfing the Internet and traveling. But listening to music is my favorite. I like pop music best. My idol are Jay. I am a lively girl. I like making friends and chatting with them. I can play the Chinese Kungfu. I passed all ten levels when I was in Grade 5.However, because of the busy study, I don’t have any free time to practise it. What a pity!I am good at Math and English and I like English better. In my opinion, it’s very easy and fun to learn and use English and this contest is a great chance for me to learn English from others. My saying is god help those who help themselves and I will never give up during my course of learning.

  Now, after listening to my introduction, do you know me well?

  That’s all. Thank you!


  Hello, everyone! My name is and my English name is . I’m 15 years old. I’m a student in a very beautiful school called Liangbing Middle School and I am in Class 1 Grade 7. My hometown Liangbing is also a beautiful town.

  I’m very happy and I like to make friends with others. I also like singing but traveling is my favorite, I have been to many interesting places in China but I haven’t been to other countries. What a pity!

  At school, I study Chinese,math, English, history, politics and so on. I like all of them. I often help my teacher take care of my class and I think I am a good helper. I live with my parents and we go home on time every day.

  When I am at home, I often help my mother do some housework and my mother said I am a good helper, too. My mother is a barber.She cuts hair very well.She is kind.Many people like her. she often teaches me the way of learning well, if you want to learn English well, here is some of my advice. At first , you must read many articles and know many words, if you meet up with some new words, you can look them up in the dictionary, you should know their meanings, how to read them and spell them. If you keep working hard, you will be successful. Then, you ought to speak English as much as possible. Remember an old saying, Nothing is impossible in the world if you put your heart into it. That’s all, thank you.


  hello,everyone,i am honored to be here to give my speech.my name is ... and i am in a middle school ,where i has spent about two

  years .my hobby is seeing english movies and janpanese cartoons .i am very popular among my friends and i am always ready to help people who are in trouble.my english is very good ,for i always believe that :where there is a will,there is a way.i keep on learning

  everyday,in the hope that one day i could communicate with forengiers fluently.

  that's all.thank you for listening.


  I have spent fifteen years in my life. So, this is my ninth year to study. By the way, my name is . My father thought hard about my name. He consulted the dictionary two times to find how to name me. Of course, this name is very good and I like it very much.

  Sometimes I think I am a little strange. Because I often think the world isn’t full of happiness. And I want to be different from others. I hate superficial people. But always I am very out-going and kind to others. I can’t say ‘no’ to others. So I don’t know how to refuse.

  I can’t see I am a pretty girl, but I am not an ugly person, either. I am very general. I can’t say too much about my appearance.

  In this term, I make a little progress in my study. In my life, I have my parents’ love, and many, many people’s love. I am happy. I achieved so much, and I also lost so much.

  My star sign is Aquarius. It represents kindness and wisdom. But I don’t think I am such a clever person. Maybe I am modest. Aquarius has many friends. It also says that some people think I am strange because I hate to be like others. I try to do everything differently.

  I like yellow the most. Yellow is the color of the sun, it can remind me of a warm, sunny day. Yellow is also the color of wisdom. And I like it because it is one of the colors that are vivid.

  Of course, most students have problems in their study. I don’t know how to make progress. I think I should work harder. That is the only way.

  I like reading very much. My favorite writer is GuoJingming. And now I am reading a book called ‘Gone with Wind’. I keep reading half an hour every day.

  I like English and Chinese best. I want to establish an English club. I want everyone to speak English in the daily life.

  All above are my real things. I hope everyone will like me.



  在英语口语中,自我介绍是最基本的内容之一,那么,下面是小编给大家整理收集的口语英文自我介绍,供大家阅读参考。篇一:口语英文自我介绍  Hello everyone, my name is Lee


医院英文自我介绍范文1  My name is xxx, xxx graduated from medical school, professional learning nursing


  自我介绍是每一个人都必然要经历的一件事情,是让别人更直接了解你的方法。下面是小编为您带来的是高中英语自我介绍作文相关内容,希望对您有所帮助。  Hello everyone


  自我介绍是每一个人都必然要经历的一件事情,是让别人更直接了解你的方法。下面是小编为您带来的是高中生英语自我介绍作文相关内容,希望对您有所帮助。高中生英语自我介绍作文1  Hello


  如何做英文自我介绍,怎样才能从求职竞争中脱颖而出,以下是一篇为广大应届生提供英文自我介绍的一些技巧,希望你能从中了解英文自我介绍的技巧。  见到考官的第一句话,很关键,不用说的很复杂






  空姐自我介绍英语范文要怎么说呢?怎么写呢?下面是小编整理的空姐自我介绍英语范文,欢迎大家阅读!空姐自我介绍英语范文1  My name is ZHangHang








  小学生的自我介绍一般只是会在学校里会用到的,今天小编就给大家分享的英文的自我介绍,有机会的就来参考哦   优秀的小学生的自我介绍  good morning (afternoon)








  深入挖掘雷锋精神的时代内涵,倡导青年志愿者做到时时学、处处学。今天,小编要跟大家分享的是社区学雷锋志愿服务活动总结,感谢您的阅读!志愿服务活动总结【一】  雷锋精神是我们中华民族宝贵的精神财富




  【篇一】  1、一身的迷彩服,让每一位同学都多了一份英姿,多了一份责任。  2、磨练顽强的斗志,培养吃苦的精神,锤炼良好的品质。  3、做事不怕难,自无难人事。天下无难事,只怕有心人




  尊敬的党组织:  2019多年前,勤劳勇敢的中国人民用智慧、勇气和汗水开拓了连接亚欧非大陆各文明的人文、贸易交流通路,与沿线各国人民共同铸就了辉煌的古丝绸之路。千百年来






  聘请书范本  企业名称_______________________ 接洽人_________________________       _________年___月___日 1


  商场服务员是商场的面向顾客的第一人,服务员的良好绩效能够促进整体效益的实现,下面是小编精心整理的商场服务员培训心得体会,欢迎大家学习和参阅。  商场营业员心得体会  销售是一门艺术

