

2021-10-03 15:02:11 16



  I was 7 years old that year, my family around was beautiful flowers, the grass grow lush and tender, some grass eager leaned out from the ground, trees stronger is every day, every day is high, the river is very clear, clear enough to see the bottom of the river, clear enough to see small fish shrimp swimming.

  A year later, floret grass withered, the tree also gradually disappeared, even the river green and blackened, far can smell a foul smell, is a stench to the passing from there to suppress a sigh of relief. I've been looking for clues since then.

  I found I was 10 years old, have been looking for, to find the three clues, the first clue is: people think that car in the underground parking lot is very trouble, stop in the flower of grass, time grew, flowers and grass and killed by a car.

  The second clue is that there is a huge amount of deforestation that destroys the growth of trees.

  The third clue is that people throw litter in the stream and pollute the river, and the water becomes dark and stinky.

  I made a sign with my friends that said, "please don't throw rubbish into the river." After a while the river was much better than before. The brand worked.

  Please bear in mind how we treat nature and nature will treat us.


  It's just green.

  In life, environmental protection is everywhere, such as saving water, using plastic bags less, using solar power and hydropower. There are also a lot of people who say that the earth is crying, please protect the environment. There are also a variety of ways to protect the environment. But there are others who do not love the earth, and still do what we do: waste paper, waste water, drive cars.

  One time, I saw a man smoking in the street, and when he finished, he didn't die. He threw it on the ground. Then he began to eat the melon seeds again, and then he ate his shell. When I could not see it, I said to him, "how can this be?" He said: "a child, understand what ah, go away. I have no fear, for he said:" I though small, but I also know that this is wrong, go abroad to study network besides you Lord! And you throw your cigarette butt directly on the ground. What if it's dry and causing a fire? "Stopped," said, "and the seeds of the melon, and what they thought, you are affecting the environment." "The man looked down and did not speak, and I thought he would correct it.

  Another time, I was a guest at my cousin's house and saw him washing his hands with water as he washed his hands. He then wiped his hands with a lot of paper. I looked at him and said, "why are you so wasteful?" When he heard it, he said to me with a pout, "that's all!" I said angrily: "this has nothing to do how? Do you know those impoverished mountainous area children how much water one day only drink? Know not to know how much they only paper?" But my poor cousin replied, "I don't know!" I sighed and said, "we are much happier than they are. How can you not know enough?" Then the cousin knew the "importance" of the matter and said, "I know it is wrong. I will correct it."

  Let's start with me and protect our only big home.


  A low-carbon environment is everyone's responsibility. For us, lifestyle describes whether a person is low-carbon. That is how much carbon dioxide is emitted, used and consumed. Low carbon can be reflected from a person's clothing, food, shelter and line.

  We also have a lot of environmental issues around us. The garbage is everywhere, "mother river" is no longer clear, "mother river" has become "the paradise of garbage!" The garbage floats on the river and stinks. Cars are made up of cars on the road, and the exhaust fumes from cars are disgusting. The exhaust of the factory is like a long line of long, straight into the sky, making the sky no longer blue and deep, and the air is no longer fresh and sweet.

  The real low-carbon environment is a life attitude rather than an ability for the average person. It just lacks the power of the people. In fact, people's power can change the future. Normally, we just use the water cycle. Water the plants with the leftover rice water. And the rice water is more than water to the plant to have nutrition, so, not only saves water, but also can make the flower and plants grow better. Go out to shopping, and bring your own bags, free or charge, for free. Go out and bring your own glass of water and reduce the use of disposable cups; Use permanent chopsticks, lunch boxes, and avoid disposable utensils. Make a habit of turning off the electrical power at random and avoid wasting power. Try not to use

  The refrigerator, air conditioning, hot time can use fan or fan. Low-carbon environmental protection represents a healthier, more natural, safer, and a low-cost, low-cost way of life.

  Environmental protection is not to go after matter too much, actually low carbon is also a kind of low-key. We should be from saving electricity, water, carbon, saving, solar terms, this small, together to create low-carbon green way of life, as long as we are together, we can make our life more low carbon environmental protection, to make our earth has a better tomorrow.



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